Friday, November 14, 2008

Blog stage 6 Obama 2008 Review

I am reviewing A B C GO's post titled Obama 2008 . I completely agree with your
statement that Obama took the high road in his campaigning. Although there may have been some attack adds that I didn't see, In his speeches he kept it clean. We can't say that for the other team. I also agree the calling him a socialist is an ignorant cheap shot that has no real bearing. Are CEO's going to stop working because the taxes they are supposed to pay have increased? It's funny how people can accuse Obama of not being a Christian and at the same time condemn him for going to a radical protestant church. Although I agree with you, It doesn't matter either way because what some one claims there religious views to be actually has very little tangible effect on there actions. Also funny is calling Obama an elitist when he has come from moderate means. Although if you consider his intelligence he certainly is elite in that manner. Although you assert that you are a foreigner, your zeal for American dreams is inspirational and I would be proud to call some one like you an American.

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